Liderii Uniunii Europene au anuntat, vineri, ca organizatia europeana va aloca Romaniei, in 2007, aproximativ 11 miliarde de euro, "de doua ori mai multi bani decat au primit ultimele state care au devenit membre ale UE", informeaza "EUobserver".

Potrivit liderilor de la Bruxelles, Romania va primi, la inceputul anului 2007, circa 800 milioane de euro, restul de bani urmand sa fie atribuiti tarii noastre in cursul anilor 2008 si 2009. "Banii din partea Uniunii Europene vor fi folositi pentru dezvoltarea zonelor rurale si urbane, a agriculturii si a transportului.

Totodata, organizatia va finanta o serie de proiecte prezentate de tara noastra cu privire la imbunatatirea economiei si a bugetului. Organizatia a declarat ca «asteapta Romania cu bratele deschise» si va face tot posibilul ca tara noastra sa devina, in 2007, membra cu drepturi depline.

De asemenea, liderii Uniunii Europene au mentionat faptul ca vor sprijini Romania si in una dintre cele mai grele lupte ale sale, lupta impotriva coruptiei", a afirmat Vasile Puscas, negociatorul-sef cu Uniunea Europeana. Discutiile cu privire la integrarea Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana ar putea fi finalizate in cursul acestui an.

Romania: a net receiver of EU money

By Mihaela Gherghisan Romania will receive more money from the EU than it contributes after accession, according to figures released by the Romanian authorities.

In a bid to soothe fears of financial damage from EU accession, Romania’s chief negotiator Vasile Puscas said that Romania will be a net recipient of funds from 2007 - its first year of accession.

Romania will contribute 800 million euro in 2007 and will increase this sum slightly in 2008 and 2009. Bucharest’s contribution to EU coffers over the first three years will amount to some 2.5 billion euro.

However, the country will receive 11 billion euro from Brussels according to the financial package adopted earlier this year. Half of this sum will be delivered in concrete payments between 2007 and 2009.

The other half of this money will be spent on specific projects presented by Romania, likely to focus on regional and rural development as well as agriculture.

Impact study

According to a study released by the European Institute of Romania on 28 July, the immediate cost of Romania's accession will be 14.5 billion euro for the period 2007-2009. This covers both the direct contribution to EU budget and participation into EU programs.

But more will be spent over a longer period on transport (28.9 billion between 2004-2015) and environment (29.5 billion between 2004-2021).

Talks between Romania and the EU are due to end this year and Bucharest is expected to join the union in 2007.