Autoritatea Aeronautica Federala Americana (FAA) a dat publicitatii inregistrarea audio a convorbirilor radio intre pilotul aeronavei Airbus 320 apartinand US Airways si controlorul de trafic aerian de pe aeroportul LaGuardia, anunte The Huffington Post. Convorbirile redau momentele de la pierderea puterii la ambele motoare in urma ciocnirii cu un stol de pasari si variantele propuse de controlor, inclusiv o posibila aterizare pe aeroportul Teterboro din New Jersey. Inregistrarea suprinde si momentul in care pilotul anunta cu calm: "Vom fi in Hudson".

Dupa mai multe schimburi de replici intre controlor si pilotul Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger prin care s-au luat in considerare mai multe variante, pilotul spune calm: "Vom fi in Hudson", iar cursa 1549 aterizeaza fortat in rau. Avionul apartinea companiei US Airways si avea peste 150 de pasageri la bord cand s-a prabusit in raul Hudson, langa New York, dupa ce a lovit un stol de pasari la decolarea de pe aeroportul LaGuardia. Cursa 1549 avea ca destinatie orasul Charlotte din Carolina de Nord.

Iata si un fragment din trascrierea inregistrarii (engleza):

3:28:05 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, if we can get it to you, do you want to try to land runway 1-3?"

3:28:11 Flight 1549: "We're unable. We may end up in the Hudson."

3:28:31 New York TRACON: "Alright cactus 1549. It's going to be a left. Traffic to runway 3-1."

3:28:34 Flight 1549: "Unable."

3:28:36 New York TRACON: "OK, what do you need to land?"

3:28:46 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1549, runway four is available if you want to make left traffic to runway four."

3:28:50 Flight 1549: "I am not sure if we can make runway. Oh, what's that over to our right? Anything in New Jersey, maybe Teterboro?"

3:28:55 New York TRACON: "OK yea, off to your right is Teterboro airport."

3:29:02 New York TRACON: "Do you want to try and go to Teterboro?"

3:29:03 Flight 1549: "Yes."

3:29:05 New York TRACON: "Teterboro, uh, empire actually. LaGuardia departure got an emergency inbound.

3:29:10 Teterboro: "OK, go ahead."

3:29:11 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, Over the George Washington Bridge want to go to the airport right now."

3:29:14 Teterboro: "He wants to go to our airport check. Does he need any assistance?"

3:29:17 New York TRACON: "Ah, yes, he, ah, was a bird strike. Can I get him in for runway one?"

3:29:19 Teterboro: "Runway one, that's good."

3:29:21 New York TRACON: "Cactus 1529, turn right 2-8-0, you can land runway one at Teterboro."

3:29:25 Flight 1549: "We can't do it."

3:29:26 New York TRACON: "OK, which runway would you like at Teterboro?"

3:29:28 Flight 1549: "We're gonna be in the Hudson."

3:29:33 New York TRACON: "I'm sorry, say again, Cactus."

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