In Romania, the quality of school is below expectations, one newspaper reads. The Rroma community in Montpellier says that the French are good people. Last but not least, 20% of the population, in a village West Romania are children raised by maternal assistants.

Gandul reads on Monday that the quality of school in Romania is below expectations, quoting a study coordinated by the Faculty of Sociology in Bucharest on the interests and perceptions of the public regarding scientific research and its results.

The study revealed that 42% of the respondents believe that the sun rotates around the earth, that 35% of them believe that the HIV virus can be picked up if they drink water after an infected person. The study did not take aback the Education minister, Daniel Funeriu, who declared that he expected such results and he knows that the cause is the educational system.

The main cause of this situation is the poor quality of education, especially in the rural areas, he said. We need to modernize our country further, Funeriu said and underlined that this is the main priority of the reforms in education.

The study reveals that 95% of the Romanian believe in God, but 40% of them believe that their horoscope influences their personality and 22% believe that the horoscope is scientific. Theologist Gheorghe Istodor declared that at the collective mental level, there is an unnatural blend of religion and occultism on the one hand and science and occultism on the other hand.

The Rroma community in Montpellier sayd that the French are good people, authorities treat them civilized but they complain about the tough controls in their camps, Evenimentul Zilei reads. Both policemen and citizens became more cautious since the French President Sarkozy announced a new set of laws to ease immigrant expulsion.

However, the Rroma say that nobody forces them to leave but they complain that they are less willing to offer them food or money. Local authorities use every reason to send them home, they complain.

The Rroma questioned by the newspaper confessed that they steal, beg or wash the car windows. In big cities, according to them, one can make more money and authorities are more helpful. On the other hand, Romanian authorities declared that the biggest problems are in Paris.

Last but not least, Romania libera reads that 20% of a village in West Romania is represented by children raised by maternal assistants. Most villagers in Murani, nearby Timisoara preferred to give up agriculture or other works and become maternal assistants.

Maternal assistants received until the 25% cut, 800 lei/month plus another 97 lei/month bonus for each child and 42 lei/month a state allocation and 620 lei/month for food, clothes, medicine, toys. Maternal assistants appeared in Romania about 10 years ago. The system's bases were introduced in 1998 and rules that children in foster care need to be raised and educated in a family environment.

The newspaper reads the story of a family in the village, who lives out of this job now and raised since 2000, about 10 children. The family says that they do not do it for the money, but for the fact that they have a labour contract with the state.

Plus, many local investments were made in the village since more and more families took this job. The school organized more classes, the kindergarden expanded and buildings were renovated.