Exista o campanie de presa cu tenta politica in care este folosita cercetarea romaneasca pe post de munitie. In Ziua au aparut pana acum 3 articole care incrimineaza pe toata lumea care are legatura cu cercetarea. Cu texte de genul "Jaful baietilor superdestepti - 1,62 miliarde de euro au fost tocate de "savanti" si "cercetatori" romani pe proiecte care in marea lor majoritate nu au nicio finalizare in economia reala. Finantarea cercetarii stiintifice romanesti este pretextul unui jaf organizat", scrie Dan Selaru pe blogul sau.

Sa citam din Science, technology and innovation in Europe. Datele sunt pana in 2008 exclusiv.

"Within the EU-27, in 2004 Finland had the highest government budget spending on R&D as a proportion of GDP (1.03%). At the other end of the scale, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Romania, Latvia and Malta showed GBAORD rates no higher than 0.3% of GDP." pagina 14

Deci daca vrem sa ne integram in UE trebuie sa si procedam ca in UE nu aberant. Cercetarea nu a fost suprafinantata cum se spune.

"Cyprus and Romania have relatively low SII results, but seem to be catching up rapidly." pagina 17

Ca ne dam silinta recunosc si ei.

"However, there were large differences across Member States. Between 1995 and 2000, three Member States saw their GBAORD decrease: Germany (-0.8%), Sweden (-2.2%) and Romania (-14.5%)." pagina 23

Aceasta a fost drama cercetarii romanesti. Atunci s-au pierdut multe din mintile luminate ale Romaniei.

"The countries where government support for R&D increased most noticeably between 2000 and 2005 were Romania, Luxembourg and Russia with rates of increase of 25.2%, 24.0% and 22.9% respectively." pagina 23

S-a incercat redresarea atat sub Guvernul Nastase cat si sub Guvernul Tariceanu.

"In the group of followers, R&D intensity was below the EU-27 average, but its AAGR was above it. This group includes twelve Member States, such as Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Romania. China, Russia and Turkey also belonged to this group. Although these countries have been lagging, they are gradually closing the gap with the EU-27 average. Nevertheless, particular efforts seem to be needed in order to reach the 3%-target by 2010." pagina 33

Adica trendul despre care vorbeam, de apropiere de standardele UE, retezat de Guvernul Boc, face ca apropierea de UE sa se intrerupa. Sa nu uitam ca Guvernul Boc considera subfinantarea cercetarii ca una din nereusitele guvernamentale.

Citeste continuarea si comenteaza peblogul lui Dan Selaru.