​Inca de la debutul seriei, in 1966, Star Trek a oferit publicului o viziune intr-un viitor in care omenirea a depasit diviziunile rasiale, a imbratisat culturi straine si a adoptat o filosofie ce respecta dezvoltarea sociala a altor lumi.

Universul Star Trek impotriva lui TrumpFoto: captura ecran

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) a mers chiar mai departe, ilustrand un viitor utopic lipsit de conflicte.

Perspectiva umanista, morala si stiintifica asupra universului, imaginata de scenariul filmului, a reusit sa inspire oamenii din intreaga lume, a stat la baza progreselor tehnologice ale lumii in care traim si ne-a motivat sa privim cu ochi critici mitologiile depasite in lumea stiintei moderne.

Prin viata ilustrata in film, producatorii se afirma impotriva xenofobiei, sexismului si lumii distopice precum este cea caracterizata in cadrul campaniei lui Trump, si din acest motiv peste 100 de persoane ce fac parte din echipa de distributie a francizei, in frunte cu J. J. Abrams, au semnat o petitie impotriva lui Donald Trump, insotita de mesajul lor prin care doresc sa incurajeze americanii cu drept de vot sa se afirme in favoarea contracandidatei Hillary Clinton, scrie Good Magazine.

Iata care este mesajul acestora:

"Star Trek has always offered a positive vision of the future, a vision of hope and optimism, and most importantly, a vision of inclusion, where people of all races are accorded equal respect and dignity, where individual beliefs and lifestyles are respected so long as they pose no threat to others. We cannot turn our backs on what is happening in the upcoming election. Never has there been a presidential candidate who stands in such complete opposition to the ideals of the Star Trek universe as Donald Trump. His election would take this country backward, perhaps disastrously. We need to elect a president who will move this country forward into the kind of future we all dream of: where personal differences are understood and accepted, where science overrules superstition, where people work together instead of against each other.

The resolution of conflicts on Star Trek was never easy. Don’t remain aloof –vote! We have heard people say they will vote Green or Libertarian or not at all because the two major candidates are equally flawed. That is both illogical and inaccurate. Either Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump will occupy the White House. One is an amateur with a contemptuous ignorance of national laws and international realities, while the other has devoted her life to public service, and has deep and valuable experience with the proven ability to work with Congress to pass desperately needed legislation. If, as some say, the government is broken, a protest vote will not fix it.

Have you just turned 18? Have you moved? Have you never voted before? Some states have early registration (early October) and/or absentee ballots. You can’t vote if you are not registered. So make it so. Go to https://www.rockthevote.com , a non-profit, non-partisan organization, and fulfill your civic duty. Because, damn it, you are a citizen of the USA, with an obligation to take part in our democracy! Do this not merely for yourself but for all the generations that follow. Vote for a future of enlightenment and inclusion, a future that will someday lead us to the stars."

Textul a fost publicat in urma cu trei zile pe pagina oficiala de facebook "Trek Against Trump", unde poate fi consultata si lista semnaturilor echipei Star Trek.