Cu ocazia summit-ului G20, Ambasada Marii Britanii si au lansat o provocare pentru cititori: sa propuna solutii pentru criza economica. Liderii celor mai industrializate 20 de state s-au intilnit la Londra pentru a gasi solutii la criza, iar cele mai bune contributii trimise de cititorii au ajuns pe masa summit-ului. Castigatorul concursului a fost desemnat.

Marele castigator: Tiberiu Kerekes

Premiul este un Netbook Acer Aspire One A 150-Ab 2*512MB, 160GB, Win XP Home si o zi impreuna cu echipa Ambasadei.

Propunerile lui Tiberiu Kerekes:

"Create an economic boom based on renewable energies. Create policies and funds in order to stimulate the development/growth of the renewable energy industry, by exploring some of the following possibilities:

- accelerate the negotiations for a Post-Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions. Establish measurable goals and a stable framework for the long-term development of the renewable energies industry

- grant preferential credits for the renewable energy industry

- grant preferential credits to population as well as organisations for the installation of renewable energy technologies (such as solar panels, for example) as well as for the implementation of energy reduction/efficiency measures

- subsidize the price of power generated from renewable sources. This could be financed by introducing a tax on non-renewable energy. Create a system where eco-power would be cheaper than traditional power, increasing thus the demand for eco-power.

- encourage more strongly and decisively the use of environment-friendly cars, for example by introducing a CO2 emissions dependant taxation

- decrease the per capita energy use by banning the incandescent light bulbs, encouraging (subsidizing) the building of energy efficient houses and the renovation of old buildings

- stimulate the research and development in the area of renewable energies

- stimulate education and training in the area in order to generate skilled workforce for the industry

- eliminate taxation on profit reinvested in renewable energies (be it education, research or production)

A part of the finances could be secured by redirecting 3% of the military expenditures of the G20 countries for the next 3 years, which would generate roughly 100 billion dollars, or by establishing a worldwide tax on oil, coal, and/or on carbon emissions.

Benefits of the idea:

- create sustainable economic growth

- reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help fight global warming

- drive job creation

- help reduce the dependence on oil"