Presedintele american Donald Trump si Klaus Iohannis au sustinut o conferinta comuna de presa, dupa ce seful statului roman a fost primit vineri la Casa Alba. In discursul sustinut cu aceasta ocazie, Trump a laudat contributia Romaniei la lupta impotriva terorismului si a cerut stoparea finantarii acestor activitati, citand exemplul Qatarului. Totodata, presedintele american a subliniat sprijinul SUA pentru lupta impotriva coruptiei in Romania.

Klaus Iohannis si Donald Trump la Casa AlbaFoto: Captura YouTube

Presedintele american a vorbit in termeni elogiosi despre Romania, despre care a afirmat ca impartaseste cu SUA "dragostea pentru libertate, o cultura mandra, traditii bogate si un vast tinut pe care sa il numim acasa". O parte importanta a discursului sau a fost alocata summitului cu lumea araba care a avut loc recent in Arabia Saudita si dedicat problemelor din Orientul Mijlociu si terorismului. a transmis LIVE VIDEO si TEXT declaratiile de la Washington.


Donald Trump:

  • Este o onoare sa primesc un prieten. Americanii si romanii au foarte multe in comun, dragostea pentru libertate
  • Astazi reafirmam si sarbatorim un parteneriat strategic care a inceput acum peste 20 de ani
  • Vizita dvs vine intr-un moment important
  • Vom lupta pentru a intari aliantele noastre, pentru a crea noi prietenii si pentru a ne alia in lupta impotriva terorismului
  • Nu putem tolera aceste violente
  • M-am adresat liderilor musulmani si vrem ca jucatorii cheie din regiune sa lupte impotriva terorismului
  • Avem nevoie de sustinere militara si chiar si morala
  • Din pacate, exista fondatori ai acestui terorism la un nivel foarte inalt
  • Trebuie sa oprim finantarea terorismului. Am decis ca a venit vremea sa ii cerem Qatarului sa opreasca finantarea terorismului si ideologia extremista
  • Cer tuturor natiunilor sa inceteze imediat  sa sustina terorismului, sa nu mai invete oamenii sa omoare alti oameni
  • Este prioritatea mea, e datoria mea ca presedinte sa asigur siguranta poporului nostru
  • Trebuie sa oprim finantarea, sa nu mai invatam oamenii sa urasca si sa incercam sa oprim aceste crime
  • Trebuie sa cerem unitatea natiunilor responsabile, cerem Qatarului si celorlalte tari din regiune sa faca mai mult si mai repede
  • Multumesc Arabiei Saudite, a fost un summit istoric. Sper sa fie inceputul sfarsitului finantarii terorismului
  • Nu mai vrem finantare pentru terorism
  • Vreau sa multumesc poporului roman pentru tot ce a facut pentru a contribui la lupta impotriva amenintarii terorismului
  • Au problemele lor, au evoluat foarte mult
  • Romania e un membru valoros al coalitiei in lupta impotriva ISIS
  • Multi dintre cetatenii dvs au platit cu viata si americanii onoreaza sacrificiul lor
  • Romania a crescut cheltuielile militare la aproape 2% din PIB. Speram ca si alte natiuni sa urmeze exemplul Romaniei
  • Incep sa vina bani catre NATO, alte tari incep sa-si dea seama ca e timpul sa contribuie
  • Sunt un avocat al intaririi aliantei NATO printr-o mai mare responsabilitate a statelor membre
  • Aplaud curajul dvs, eforturile dvs de a lupta impotriva coruptiei si de a proteja statului de drept
  • E nevoie sa cream un mediu in care comertul sa infloreasca si cetatenii sa prospere
  • Viitorul relatiilor dintre Romania si SUA e foarte luminos
  • Imi doresc sa intarim alianta noastra cu tara dvs si legaturile dintre cele doua popoare

Klaus Iohannis:

  • Sunt foarte bucuros ca am avut o intalnire atat de fructuoasa si aceasta se datoreaza calitatilor dvs de lider si parteneriatului nostru puternic
  • Acest parteneriat a contribuit foarte mult la ceea ce a devenit Romania astazi si nu numai ca trebuie sa continue, ci trebuie sa devina si mai puternic decat este
  • Ati mentionat terorismul. Sunt foarte multumit ca datorita calitatilor dvs de lider NATO a decis sa lupte impotriva terorismului
  • Trebuie sa purtam impreuna povara in cadrul NATO
  •  Romania e foarte constienta de faptul ca suntem in est si ca ne bazam foarte mult pe parteneriatul cu dvs pentru ca nu putem sa rezistam acolo fara SUA, nu putem rezista acolo singuri
  • Cred ca e in interesul dvs dl presedinte sa aveti un partener puternic in UE
  • Legatura transatlantica sta la baza civilizatiei occidentale
  • NATO si UE nu trebuie sa fie in concurenta, ci trebuie sa colaboreze, pentru a face si NATO si Europa mai puternice
  • Am decis ca parteneriatul nostru sa fie mai puternic, mai bun, si acest lucru va duce la un schimb mai accentuat din punct de vedere economic


(pentru Donald Trump) Exista inregistrari ale conversatiilor cu James Comey?

Donald Trump: O sa va spun intr-un viitor apropiat. Vom continua sa conducem aceasta tara, vrem sa ne gandim la probleme, Coreea de Nord, Orientul Mijlociu. Ieri s-a demonstrat ca nu a fost niciun fel de obstructie, de intelegere. A fost o scuza de democratilor ca au pierdut alegerile. James Comey a confirmat ce am spus eu

Acum cateva saptamani dl Trump a fost la Bruxelles si ati cerut cresterea cheltuielilor pentru aparare. Cum comentati?

Klaus Iohannis: NATO se bazeaza pe valori dar e in fond o alianta militara si cheltuielile militare sunt complicate si complexe si e nevoie de multi bani. Trebuie sa cheltuim bani in scopuri de aparare si a cheltui inseamna ca toti partenerii trebuie sa contribuie. Se cheama impartirea responsabilitatii si sunt cu totul de acord cu asta. Trebuie sa facem asta pentru a fi puternici si pentru a ne apara natiunile

Donald Trump: 100% corect. Am spus ce ar fi sa platim din urma? O sa facem ca NATO sa fie foarte puternic si avem nevoie de bani pentru a fi puternic. Ce se intampla cu anii din trecut pentru care nu ati platit? Poate ca ar trebui sa platiti acei bani.

(pentru Donald Trump) : Multe tari din est vad Rusia ca o amenintare. Impartasiti aceasta intrebare? Ce credeti despre articolul 5?

Donald Trump: Angajez Statele Unite in privinta articolului 5. Cu siguranta suntem acolo ca sa protejam

Ati discutat despre ridicarea vizelor?

Trump: Nu, nu am discutat dar in mod cert vom discuta despre aceasta problema.

James Comey a spus sub juramant ca i-ati spus ca sperati sa renunte la ancheta legata de Rusia

Donald Trump: Nu am spus asa ceva si nu ar fi fost nimic rau daca as fi spus-o, dar nu am spus-o

(pentru Klaus Iohannis) Cat de preocupat sunteti de amenintarea Rusiei?

Klaus Iohannis: Toata lumea e ingrijorata, dar ingrijorarea ar trebui sa va duca catre a fi pregatiti. Trebuie sa fim foarte clari, foarte simpli, deschisi in ceea ce spunem si cand vorbim cu Rusia. Avem nevoie de dialog si de o posibilitate de a reactiona puternic. Aceste doua lucruri pot duce la o rezolvare a acestei probleme.

(pentru Donald Trump) Lupta anticoruptie din Romania e subminata uneori de unii politicieni. Va sustine administratia dvs lupta anticpruptie?

Donald Trump: Sustinem foarte puternic Romania deci sustinem aceasta lupta impotriva coruptiei. Sustinem si pe presedintele dvs, este foarte popular, credem ca a facut o treaba foarte buna, munceste foarte mult stim tot ce se intampla acolo si va castiga aceasta lupta, are sustinerea noastra

Iata mai jos discursurile in engleza sustinute de cei doi presedinti (sursa - Administratia Prezidentiala):

President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump: Thank you very much! Prsident Iohannis, thank you for being here! It’s an honor to welcome such a good friend of America to the White House. As you know the people of Romania and America share much in common – a love of freedom, proud cultures, rich traditions and a vast landscape to call home. The relation between our countries stretches back well over a century, but today we celebrate the Strategic Partnership that began 20 years ago. That partnership covers many dimensions, including economic, military and cultural ties. And today we are making those ties even stronger. Mr. President, your visit comes at an important moment, not just in this partnership, but among all of the responsible nations of the world. I have just returned from a historic trip to Europe and the Middle East, where I worked to strengthen our alliances, forge new friendships and unite all civilized peoples in the fight against terrorism. No civilized nation can tolerate violence or allow this wicked ideology to spread on its shores.

I addressed a summit of more than 50 Arab and Muslim leaders – a unique meeting in the history of nations, where key players in the regions agreed to stop supporting terrorism, whether it be financial, military or even moral support. The nation of Qatar unfortunately has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level. In the wake of that conference, nations came together and spoke to me about confronting Qatar over its behavior. Se we had a decision to make – do we take the easy road or do we finally take a hard but necessary action? We have to stop the funding of terrorism. I decided along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, our great generals and military people the time had come to call on Qatar to end its funding. They have to end that funding and its extremist ideology in terms of funding. I want to call on all nations to immediately stop supporting terrorism. Stop teaching people to kill other people! Stop filing their mind with hate and intolerance! I won’t name other countries.

But we are not done solving the problem, but we will solve that problem. We have no choice. This is my great priority because it is my first duty as President to keep our people safe. Defeating ISIS and other terrorist organizations is something I emphasized all during my campaign and right up until the present. To do that, stop funding, stop teaching hate and stop the killing! For Qatar, we want you back among the unity of responsible nations. We ask Qatar and other nations in the region to do more and do it faster,

I want to thank Saudi Arabia and my friend, King Salman, and all countries who participated in that very historic summit. it was truly historic.There has never been anything like it before and perhaps there never will be again. Hopefully, it will be the beginning of the end of funding terrorism, it will therefore be the beginning of the end to terrorism. No more funding!

I also want to thank the Romanian people for everything they contribute to our common defense and the fight against the evil menace of terrorism. They have their own difficulties with it and they’ve come a long way and they’ve done a lot. Romania has been a valuable member of the coalition to defeat ISIS and it's the 4th largest contributor of troops in Afghanistan. There, 23 of your citizens have paid the ultimate price and America honors their sacrifice.

I want to recognize President Iohannis for his leadership in committing Romania this year to increase its Defense spending from 1.4 % of the GDP to over 2%. We hope our other NATO allies will follow Romania’s lead on meeting their financial obligations in paying their fair share for the cost of Defense. But I will say this: That because of our actions, money is starting to pour into NATO. The money is starting to pour in. Other countries are starting to realize that it’s time to pay up and they’re doing that. Very proud of that fact! As you know, I have been an advocate for strengthening our NATO alliance among member nations through greater responsibility and burden sharing and that is what is happening. Because together we can confront the common security challenges facing the world.

Mr. President, I want to applaud your courage and your courageous efforts in Romania to fight corruption and defend the rule of law! This work is necessary to create an environment where trade and commerce can flourish and where citizens can prosper. I look forward to working with you to deepen the ties of both commerce and culture between our two countries. Romanians have made contributions to the US and to the world. Very notable among them was Nobel prize laureate Elie Wiesel who was born in Romania and sadly passed away almost one year ago. And I understand that earlier this week, the American Jewish Committee presented President Iohannis with its very prestigious Light Unto the Nations Award for his work to further Holocaust remembrance and education in Romania. I join the AJC in saluting your leadership in this vital cause. The people of Romania have endured many, many hardships, but they have made a truly remarkable historical journey.

The future of Romania and Romania’s relationship with the US is very, very bright. President Iohannis, I thank you for your leadership and I thank you again for being here today. I look forward to strengthening our alliance with your country and our bonds with your people. The relationship has been good, but now it’s stronger than ever. Thank you very much!

President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis: President Trump, thank you so much for the words you found for Romania, for the Romanian people and for me. Thank you very much for the invitation to be here today with you and thank you so much for arranging this nice weather in this place.

Mr President, I am very glad that we had such a good meeting. And this is due to your strong leadership and this is also due to our strong partnership. Obviously the fact that we celebrate 20 years of strategic partnership this year is important for both our nations and it is important to know, and that is what I want to underline, that this partnership with the United States of America shaped Romania as it is today. Romania, a solid democracy with a solid and sustainable economic growth. Romania, which stands together with the US troops in Afghanistan, we stand together in Iraq.

Mister President, this partnership contributed greatly to what Romania is today and this partnership was and is very important. And I think this partnership not only has to continue, this partnership has to become stronger, this partnership has to define our bilateral relations and this partnership has to contribute to solve so many problems.

President Trump, you mentioned terrorism. I am very glad that due to your strong leadership NATO decided to go against terrorism. Your involvement made so many nations conscious of the fact that we have to share the burden inside NATO. This is way Romania also decided - and if I am right – Romania is the first country during your mandate to step up to 2% of GDP for defense spending. Significant part of this defense spending is going into strategic acquisitions, and I hope, President Trump, that we find good ways together to make good use of this money.

Romania is very conscious of the fact that we stand on the Eastern Flank and we heavily rely on your partnership, President Trump, because we cannot stand there without the US, we cannot stand there alone. On the other hand, our partnership has huge opportunity to step up not only on security matters, but also on commercial, economic matters. And this is very important.

Romania is a member of the European Union and I think it’s in the best interest of you, Mr. President, to have a strong European Union as a partner. This is vital for all of us. Our relationship, the transatlantic link is vital. The transatlantic link is not about diplomacy, about policy, it is at the basis of our Western civilization and together we will make it stronger, together we will make it better.

NATO and the European Union do not have to compete against each other, they have to work together, they have to work in such a manner as to produce synergetic effects, to make NATO stronger, make Europe stronger, make the United States of America stronger. And this is what we decided, President Trump and I, to make our partnership stronger, better, more enduring and this will lead very soon to an enhanced economic exchange, to better commerce. And this is what we all decided and what we wish, because we are responsible, President Trump and I, not only for the security, we are responsible for the well being of our citizens and this is what we are decided to do.

Thank you so much, President Trump!"