O cititoare HotNews.ro a trimis o scrisoare deschisa adresata actritei Brigitte Bardot, in limba engleza, ca raspuns la cea pe care aceasta i-a transmis-o presedintelui Traian Basescu in care denunta initiativa masurii de eutanasiere a cainilor maidanezi. In scrisoare, semnata de "o mama romanca", Bardot este intrebata de ce ar trebui copiii sa moara astfel incat cainii sa traiasca.

Semnatara scrisorii precizeaza ca Bardot este dezinformata cand spune ca baiatul de 4 ani a murit "din lipsa ingrijirilor" ranilor provocate, ci a fost devorat de caini, care au actionat ca animale salbatice.

Ea o intreaba daca are copii si povesteste ca este ingrozita sa isi lase copilul la joaca, de teama celor 10 caini de langa bloc.

In final, ea ii spune actritei, aparatoare a drepturilor animalelor, sa se ocupe ea de cei 65.000 de caini din Capitala si sa redea locuitorilor linistea.

"Dear Mrs. Bardot, I am writing this email to you in order to express my deepest disappointment regarding the letter you just sent to our Romanian President.

Although I am not a Mr. Basescu fan, I approve his beliefs regarding stray dogs. First of all, I want to say that your letter includes a BIG LIE. The poor 4 years boy died because he was devoured by dogs, not because of the lack of care from his wounds as you mentioned. The dogs acted as hungry wild animals and the boy was their catch. So, before sending such letters to us, you should at least find the true story and the true life we have to live because of these animals you recommend us to spare.

I don't know if you have children, but you should ask yourself the reason why our children have to die in order to save your beloved dogs. Why should we be forced to trade our life, health or peace for these dogs? Why don't we, ROMANIANS, have the right to live safely as you French do? If you love our dogs so much why don't you take them and let us live our life safely in peace?

I have a 7 years boy and I live in terror every day. Every day my boy goes to play in the park near my house I fear that he might be attacked by the 10 pack of dogs living next to our block of flats. You probably will say that the dog should be taken care of, but in a poor society like the Romanian one, why should we choose to spend the money on dogs instead of orphans?

In closing, dear Mrs. Bardot, please find a way to deal yourself with the 65.000 stray dogs from Bucharest and release our streets with minimum cost from us and give us back our safe and tranquility.

Sincerely yours, A Romanian mother"