Guvernul roman a publicat pe site-ul sau inregistrarea audio completa a interviului acordat, in limba engleza, agentiei straine de presa Reuters, precum si transcrierea segmentului in care premierul raspunde la intrebarea referitoare la Rosia Montana, precizand ca declaratiile lui Ponta au fost scoase din context iar agentia a alaturat doua fraze din momente diferite ale interviului.

UPDATE Victor Ponta a afirmat, din nou, joi dimineata, ca el a spus "invers" decat a titrat Mediafax pe baza interviului Reuters. "Aveti inregistrarea si sper ca veti rectifica", i-a spus el reporterului Mediafax.

"Respingerea proiectului Rosia Montana in parlament nu este nicio problema. Daca Romania transmite mai departe un mesaj ca suntem importiva tuturor investitiilor straine este o catastrofa. Romania are o sansa mare de dezvoltare prin investitii in energie de companii straine. Sa ne intoarcem acum la inceputul anilor 90, ce sa facem sa nationalizam tot. Daca Romania mai departe va avea o pozitie politica de respingere a exploatarilor resurselor, inclusiv gazele de sist, este un mesaj gresit. Ideea ca nu mai vrem straini si nu ne vindem tara - credeam ca este un lucru pe care l-am lasat in 1990 si cu care o sa lupt," a precizat el.

Amintim ca Ponta a acuzat agentia Reuters ca a dat "un titlu tampit" articolului aparut pe baza interviului.

Intr-o interventie telefonica in emisiunea "Sub semnul intrebarii" de pe B1 TV, premierul a sustinut ca, desi declaratiile sale sunt citate corect in articol de catre agentia Mediafax, titlul e o "minciuna ordinara", "o mare magarie", "exact invers decat citatul". Ulterior, el a acuzat ca si jurnalistii de la Reuters, autorii stirii originale, au dat un "titlu tampit", care "e invers decat ce am spus in interviu".

Vezi mai jos raspunsul in engleza al premierului:

Întrebare jurnalist Reuters:

We want to ask you about Rosia Montana because I think, I believe that a lot of investors are looking at this case.

Victor Ponta:

„Rosia Montana is a very important project as a symbol, not first of all economically because I have promoted the new policy which implies the developement of Romania and that means that we need to take advantage of our natural resources, of course keeping and respecting all the environmental standards. But if the environmental are respected we should be in favour of exploring and take advantage of our national resources. Second, it’s a political but also a society mentality debate about foreign investors, about opening to private investors that’s why I think, I keep saying for Romania if the Parliament will decide not to make this project it’s not going to be a big issue. But if Romania give the message that we are against investors, against foreign investors, against using our potential that will be a catastroph for Romania. That’s why I am so keen in having the debate and explaining that all kind of investors they are outside of Romania, or romanians as long they are honest and they produce an honest profit but also they share with the society the profit, it’s all right. And that Romania and my government has the courage to put all the controversial projects on the table. Because you know we have try to solve conflict between the romanian governement and an important investor Rompetrol (KazMunaiGaz) which was delayed since 2005. So for 8 years no government had no courage to solve it. We solved a big litigation between the romanian government and OMV Petrom which was delayed since 2004. We are trying now to solve the controversial between Romania and Ford Company which is delayed from 2007. And we are solving this. Also Rosia Montana is from 1999. If you can imagine. So the lack o courage of the romanian governments, not mine, the previous ones to deal with controversial projects I think it was a mistake.

Now we have a huge majority, now we have the legitimacy given by the vote we have to put the projects on the table. Most of them we should do it. If there is one which by the environmental arguments is not going to be done at least we have to explain that we are not against projects. We might be very careful with the environmental this is absolutely all right but we are not against. We are an open country to investors”.