Ziarul rus Izvestia, citat de Digi24, a anuntat ca Pentagonul va trimite in Marea Neagra "30 de delfini de lupta", alaturi de navele militare. Izvestia a citat chiar asa-numiti oficiali din Departamentul american al Apararii, iar informatia a fost imediat preluata de presa din toata lumea.

La o zi diferenta, Pentagonul a dezmintit informatia. Amiralul John Kirby a spus intr-un briefing de presa ca nu are cunostinta despre asemenea informatii.

Dialogul dintre reporter si amiralul Kirby (eng.):

Q: And there was a Russian media report that the U.S. Navy was going to be sending some of its dolphins, I guess its DOD-trained dolphins to the Black Sea to train with Ukrainian forces, and in the coming future.

REAR ADM. KIRBY: This was a Russian media report? (Laughter.)

Q: Yeah, and it actually had quotes from a Navy official.

REAR ADM. KIRBY: I have not -- I'll have to check with the Navy, or you can. I'm not aware of that. I'm not aware of that.

What I can tell you is that we are, and I think the Navy has announced this, we are going to put another warship in the Black Sea, the USS Taylor, in the coming days. [USS] Donald Cook will be wrapping up her time in the Black Sea here shortly, but you can expect the U.S. Navy to put another warship in the Black Sea.