Un raport al centrului NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence detaliaza modul in care conturi legate de Rusia folosesc retelele sociale pentru a disemina informatii false si pentru a distorsiona realitatea. O astfel de postare a fost regasita inclusiv la rubrica de comentarii de pe HotNews.ro.

Analiza NATO fake newsFoto: NATO
  • Citeste in documentul atasat analiza NATO

Acest raport, Digital Hydra, arata ca o campanie de diseminare este caracterizata printr-un canal central, in jurul caruia este construita campania. Mai precis, informatia este gazduita pe un site sau un blog, dupa care este distribuita pe alte canale social media precum Twitter, Facebook etc.

Un caz analizat de raport este legat de un articol cu titlul "Towards a Renewed Imperialist Intervention in Libya? Anti-NATO Forces Retake Areas in Southern Libya" si care a fost distribuit pe multiple site-uri, precum facebook.com, oroom.org, twitter.com, globalresearch.ca, workers.org dar si hotnews.ro. Articolul la care a fost postat povestea in cauza, sub forma de comentariu, este Libia a anuntat distrugerea totala a arsenalului sau chimic.

Comentariul a fost postat in aceeasi zi cu publicarea articolului si are urmatorul continut:

"O noua interventie in Libia ? (Miercuri, 5 februarie 2014, 12:06)

utug [utilizator]

Anti-NATO Forces Retake Areas in Southern Libya

For nearly seven months in 2011, NATO planes — particularly from the U.S., France, Britain and Canada — carried out a massive bombing campaign in Libya intended to overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi.

Now, just two and a half years later, this puppet government is losing ground in southern and western Libya to pro-Gaddafi forces, who have taken back several towns and an air base.

These developments have prompted French Admiral Edouard Guillard to appeal for a renewed imperialist intervention in Libya, claiming that developments on the southern border could lead to a “terrorist threat.”

Over 100,000 people have died in Syria over the last three years since the U.S. and Saudi Arabia promoted a counterrevolutionary assault on the population. The current Geneva II talks in Switzerland are ostensibly designed to reach a political solution in Syria, but the U.S. and its allies are continuing to finance and coordinate those seeking the overthrow of the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Anti-war and anti-imperialist groups in the Western states should oppose this military and political interference into the internal affairs of African, Middle Eastern and Asian states — such as Afghanistan, where after 12 years the Pentagon-NATO forces are no closer to victory than in 2001. The U.S. and NATO must be forced to withdraw their occupying forces and shut down their military bases.


Informatia a fost remarcata de Marius Comper si postata pe contul lui de Facebook.

Raportul arata ca 62% dintre cetatenii americani isi citesc stirile de pe retelele sociale, crescand astfel posibilitatea de a accesa informatii neconfirmate si chiar false.